• Call the Ingleside Hotel in Pewaukee and use the Exposure Women's Retreat room block. (262) 547-0201

  • *Optional Welcome Dinner - "night on the town"

    Friday Girl’s Night - your fav jammies!

    Saturday Day Portion - casual

    Exposure Gala - formal black tie

  • Slumber party - pizza, pop-corn, and french fry bar

    Assorted breakfast buffet both Saturday and Sunday

    Wraps and soup for lunch

    Plated dinner at the gala - *dinner options will be emailed out for selections closer to the event

  • Lodging is optional to allow the flexibility of booking with friends or not lodge at all if you live nearby and prefer the comfort of home

    Optional welcome dinner details will be emailed at a later date

    Some vendors are pay day of or in advance

  • To book your spot for the limited hat burning class, please visit https://www.burlapandbarnwood.com/ under the events tab!